Extended Message #037

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Halo celestial You!

Welcome to the extended version of your channeled message performed by The KnotWork Force. We’ll get to the energy first. If you don’t feel like this energy applies to you, you might want to try checking out other messages here in our Library and save this message for another time. Here is the energy we see for this message: 

It feels like you recently came out of a very tough cycle, well, or at least, the very end of it. Compared to about a few months to roughly two years ago, the past few days have been easier for you to breathe, a little more flexible time in your schedule. You get to enjoy the breezes without rushing to the next things and the next places. You’re still adjusting to this pace though. It’s hard for you to fully relax. That’s okay, just let yourself be.

Through the previous challenges, you definitely have ascended to a new level. You are now a better you, more well-equipped to sway through life, and have a much clearer understanding of yourself. Sometimes, you still think back to the hard times that passed. Your heart still aches and your mind still gets cloudy at times.

Your environment is somewhat not keeping up with your energy yet. Your space is still filled with old, unnecessary stuff. They’re making a mess and weighing you down. It could be because storms have passed by your world quite many times so you are used to the chaos. It’s time to release and tidy things up. This will be beneficial for your ascension to higher levels. ‘Space’ could also mean your mind or your inner space.

Don’t you worry too much! Resources and opportunities are on your horizon. There is a new, fresh, absolute beginning happening for you. Once the energies of the old cycle are cleared up, a new start will be so obvious that you can’t deny your life has finally turned to a new chapter. This time, you are starting the new cycle with a very strong foundation, and you are getting the very bests of the bests. 

This is the energy or the overall description of your situation that we see here. Now, let’s get to the channeled message. This can be from your spirit guides, your ancestors, the angels currently surrounding you, or directly from the Universe.

My dear celestial friend, such a beautiful, harmonious Spring awaits you ahead. Things will move much more smoothly. You will feel like all that you’ve been through is really worth something. Your sleep quality will improve. You might even be dreaming some telepathic dreams from other soulmates, whether they are currently in your life or not. 

Your world will be more vibrant, more colorful. It will be easier to feel alive, as opposed to before when you just feel completely dead inside. You will get chances to explore and enrich your world. Perhaps, this is referring to your chances of going travel a lot more or meeting different types of people that will share so many great stories of their lives. 

We don’t feel like there will be a lot of planning involved. Of course, certain things need to be carefully planned out. But you will come across quite a few random encounters, which makes life even more interesting. It just feels like you know now how to dance along with life, so you’re not afraid of whatever comes your way. Instead, you know which moves to make, which fun to take. Everything just feels so spontaneous, soft, and enjoyable.

You might still feel super down at times, exhausted and heartbroken, sometimes for no reason at all. In these times, you will still find a small, quiet corner to reflect on things. You might think that you’re falling back into the old pitfall. But you’re not. Don’t worry. You’re only replenishing your energy. Don’t be too hard on yourself at those times. You have every right to rest, recharge, and refresh before continuing on with your life.

We can see, though, your new version won’t require that much alone time anymore. You now know how to direct or protect your energy, or yourself, better. You also choose to face things heads-on and firmly believe that you can face anything. The new you have gained a lot of perspectives, a lot of experiences from the tough times in the past. So now, when you want to be alone, it won’t be because you need more time to see things through but will be because, once in a while, you simply want to pace and enjoy your life by yourself. That’s it.

You are becoming a knowledgeable, respectable person. Your voice will have certain influences. People are willing to listen more proactively compares to your experiences in the past. What you’ve been through will become a helpful guide for those in need or those who are going through the same situations. Of course, only if you want to share and connect. One last piece of information from the cards is that continuing to prioritize yourself is really wonderful. This is your life. Live the life that makes YOU feel happy and content.

We asked the oracle decks for a few pieces of advice for this particular period. 

The crystal that might resonate and help boost your energy the most is the Golden Topaz from the Crystals Oracle Deck. Keywords include “Faith,” “Wise Action,” “Perseverance,” and “Confidence.”

The significant chakra that you need to pay attention to the most is the Sacral Chakra with the message of “Unbridled Passion” from the Sage Goddess’ Chakra Healing Oracle Deck. This card tells us that your heart is a passionate fire that isn’t easy to be put down. You love life irretrievably. Life hasn’t been easy for you, and that’s why you thought you were dead inside. You never were, and you never will. Your warm fire will bring people together. Everything is good. Relax and enjoy!

Alright, this is all the information that we have for you. We really hope this helps and that this reading makes you feel accompanied and listened to. 

It is our pleasure to perform this reading for you. There are also many other positivity-related contents on our website. Take time to explore and enjoy! Let the knots of good things bring us closer together and share the love.

This is a free reading. You are absolutely not required to donate or send any amount of money to access the content. However, if you do think the reading is helpful or want to support us, we are keeping this “Leave a Tip” option open through our Venmo account (@theknotwork) or this PayPal direct link: https://paypal.me/theknotwork or Stripe, too: https://buy.stripe.com/dR65nhfQv0GCbYIeUW. Thank you so much for your time and compassion!

Welcome back anytime. We wish you your bests.

The KnotWork Force

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